Intelligent Inventory Management Solutions

Achieve precise control and visibility over your inventory with our advanced inventory management solutions. Optimize operations, reduce costs, and meet customer demands efficiently across all channels

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Hopstack warehouse and fulfillment operationsInventory Outbound OverviewBin To Bin Transfer

The Hopstack Impact

Discover the measurable benefits and results driven by our inventory optimization and management capabilities

inventory accuracy with real-time visibility
decline in stockouts with auto-replenish
improvement in order fill rates

Optimized & Precise Inventory Management

Discover how our comprehensive features can transform your inventory management processes for greater efficiency and control

Dynamic Inventory Allocation

Efficiently manage and allocate inventory across various channels to meet demand and optimize stock levels

Automated inventory allocation to orders based on business rules or built-in intelligence

SKU aliases and substitutions for advanced reallocations to improve the fill rate

Implement business rules to prioritize high-demand products and key sales channels

managing warehouseWarehouse space managementSKU Bin Management
warehouse inventory managementCycle Count ManagementStock ledger

Optimized Inventory Operations

Automate inventory optimization and management processes to ensure stock availability and customer satisfaction

Automated back-orders and stock replenishment to maintain optimal inventory levels

Cycle count and inventory audit to maintain accuracy and reduce discrepancies

Identify and act on liquidation opportunities to clear out excess inventory and free up warehouse space

Lot Control & Serialization

Enhance traceability with detailed lot and serial number tracking, and simplify recalls and quality checks with comprehensive lot control records

Manage batches effectively for perishable goods to maintain freshness and compliance.

Handle serialized inventory to track individual items accurately and easily

Utilize built-in FIFO and FEFO intelligence and compliance for optimal fulfillment

warehouse processSKU detailsbatch details
warehouse inventorywarehouse operations notificationsStock ledger

Real-Time Tracking & Visibility

Gain complete oversight of your inventory and operations with real-time tracking and visibility

Maintain a detailed stock ledger to track inventory transactions and ensure accountability

Create comprehensive audit trails to monitor and review inventory movements

Receive real-time alerts for inventory discrepancies and potential stockouts

Transform Your Inventory Management

Get 100% control and visibility over your inventory with our advanced inventory management features

Additional Features

Key Features of Our Inventory Management Software

See how our solutions can transform your inventory management for greater efficiency and control

Rule Engine

Set up business rules for specialized order and inventory handling to improve the decision-making and fulfillment process

SKU Audit Trail

Maximize the traceability and visibility by tracking every activity against every order, consignment, inventory, and SKU

Stock Ledger

Detailed and accurate record of all inventory transactions with stock ledger, ensuring transparency and accountability

Stock Transfer

Manage and execute stock transfers between warehouses to balance inventory levels, and ensure product availability

Inventory Cycle Count

Customize your cycle counting schedules and processes to fit your specific inventory needs, like locations or frequency

Bin-To-Bin Transfer

Efficiently manage inventory movements with bin-to-bin transfer capabilities, ensuring optimal organization and space utilization

Unlock Your Warehouse’s Full Potential

See how Hopstack can help you transform your warehouse operations